Let's Change The Story Together

Credit: Dave Mathisen

Credit: Dave Mathisen

Our voices together can — and must — change the story about refugees.

As the global refugee crisis continues to break records and the November election draws nearer, we in San Diego have a unique opportunity to lead the national conversation.

And together, thanks to you and so many other supporters, we have already begun:

The world is watching San Diego, and we must #ShowUp4Refugees like never before.

These resilient families are now our San Diego neighbors, and their stories are already appearing in video on local TV broadcasts and in international news.

We must affirm the dignity of our new neighbors. San Diegans know from decades of experience: refugee families are powerful and brave individuals, not nameless political scapegoats. We must act together in welcoming and solidarity to build a more just world.

And it starts here. We hope you will join us again this fall to lift up our voices together through our soon-to-be-launched welcoming campaign: #NewcomerLife. Stay tuned for details!


Shanah Tovah – Happy New Year


Interview with Saleem Spindari